Studio at CAA in Hang Zhou, China
These are in-progress works, an extension of the family archive project that I started in 2017.
For this project I plan to insert family archive images and objects of memories into the bricks that are collected from homes that are being torn down by the Chinese government for renovation. I want to fossilize these vignettes of memories into the bricks with resin, and allow them to physically live in a tangible remnant of their old home. I want to take these bricks back to the original site and have it built into the new infrastructure, or simply just let them exist in the space it once belonged to- to leave a trail, or to memorialize the homes that were once there.
I met my extended family in Guang Zhou this past November of 2019, my aunt told me that their old house is being torn down for renovation. I plan on going back to Guang Zhou and Toishan in the near future to pursue this project.

Initial material experiments/ studio in Hang Zhou